The establishment of the Unsri Postgraduate Program (PPs) was carried out through the formation of a task force in accordance with the Decree of the Unsri Chancellor (Prof. Dr. Amran Halim (late)) number: 3793/PT11.1.1/C.6.f/1994 dated 4 August 1994. Team The core of the task force consists of Prof. Dr. H. Zainal Ridho Djafar as chairman, dr. A. Hamid as secretary, and Dr. Ir. Syarifuddin Ismail (late), Dr. Ir. M. Faizal, Dr. Ir. Benjamin Lakitan, Dr. Ir. Rujito Agus Suwignyo, Dr. H. Nangsari Ahmad, and Dr. H. Waspodo, each as a member. Furthermore, efforts to pioneer the establishment of a Doctoral education program (S3) began with the formation of a committee to prepare a Doctoral education program in Agricultural Sciences in accordance with the Decree of the Chancellor of Unsri (Prof. Dr. Zainal Ridho Djafar) no: 2045/PT11.1.1/C.6.f/2000 on May 24, 2000. The core team of the committee consisted of Dr. Ir. ICE. Halimi, M.Sc. as chairman, Dr. Ir. Munandar, M. Agr., Dr. Ir. Daniel Saputra, M.Sc., Dr. Ir. Dedik Budianta, M.Sc., Dr. Ir. Andy Mulyana, M.Sc., and Dr. Ir. Suparman W. Kusuma respectively as members, as well as resource person Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Benyamin Lakitan, M.Sc and Dr. Ir. Rujito Agus Suwignyo, M.Agr. The Unsri PPs campus was previously an educational facility at Sriwijaya University which came from a grant from the Panti Darma Husada Foundation led by Mr. H. Ibnu Sutowo (deceased) which was handed over to Unsri on November 1 1980 in accordance with a letter he dated 22 October 1969 in response to the letter from the Governor of the Regional Head of South Sumatra Province no. Sekr.13/502 dated 27 May 1969. Furthermore, the initial development movement on the Postgraduate Program campus began with the construction of the Doctoral Education Building (S3) whose funding was obtained from the 2003 South Sumatra Provincial Government budget. Efforts to develop the Unsri PPs campus were then continued with construction two-story building intended for the Library Building, Cyber Room, E-learning Room, and English Laboratory. As a form of participation by the Palembang City Government in the field of providing a forum for activities for students, a three-story Student Center Building has been built. Masters and Doctoral Study Programs The first Masters Study Program (S2) held at Sriwijaya University is the Masters in Management Program in accordance with Dikti Decree number: 296/Dikti/ Kep/1994 dated 11 November 1994 and Unsri Chancellor's Decree number 6544/PT11.1.1/C.2.A/1994 dated 28 December 1994. The Unsri Master of Management began accepting the first batch of students on 19 June 1995. The lecture process for this study program is entirely carried out in the Master of Management Building which is located on the Bukit Besar Campus, Jl . Srijaya Negara Bukit Besar Palembang-Tel. (0711) 356172, 350756.PPs Unsri was appointed as the coordinator of the undergraduate education program within Unsri in 1996. This appointment was carried out at the same time as the opening of two Master's Programs, namely the Plant Science Study Program in accordance with the Decree of the Director General of Education Number: 469/Dikti/ Kep/1995 concerning Permits to Implement Strata 2 Plant Science and Agribusiness Study Programs in accordance with the Decree of the Director General of Education High number 470/Dikti/Kep/1995 concerning permits for implementing the Strata 2 Program (Master's Program) in Agribusiness. The strata 3 education program (Doctoral Program) in Agricultural Sciences was opened in 2001 in accordance with the Higher Education Permit Number 2364/D/T/2001. In line with the needs of the community, PPs Unsri continues to develop other study programs. To date, the number of Unsri Postgraduate Programs is 27 (twenty seven) programs, with details of 21 (twenty one) Masters Programs and 6 (six) Doctoral Programs. Where for management under the Sriwijaya University Postgraduate Program there are 3 (three) Masters Programs (S2) and 2 (two) Doctoral Programs (S3). Meanwhile, other study programs are managed by their respective faculties (Table 2). As a form of recognition of the quality of learning, all study programs that are more than 2 years old have received accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT).
Vision, Mission and Goals
VISION: To become a center for multidisciplinary postgraduate education with global competitiveness. MISSION: To provide quality postgraduate education in an effort to produce educated people who are creative, innovative and can apply, develop, create science and technology, organize, foster and develop research in order to produce empirical knowledge, theories, concepts, methodologies, models, new information or new ways of working, which enrich science and technology, Organizing, fostering and developing community service by applying science as an effort to contribute to progress community, and Organizing a modern, efficient, accountable and transparent postgraduate education administration.