No. | Bidang Studi | Jenjang | Gelar | Perguruan Tinggi | Tahun Lulus |
1 | Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar & Biomedis | S2 | Master of Science | Universitas Gadjah Mada | 2014 |
2 | Ilmu Kedokteran Umum | Profesi | Dokter | Universitas Sriwijaya | 2011 |
3 | Ilmu Kedokteran Umum | S1 | Sarjana Kedokteran | Universitas Sriwijaya | 2009 |
No. | Nama Jabatan fungsional | Tanggal Mulai |
1 | Lektor Kepala | 01-08-2023 |
2 | Lektor | 01-05-2021 |
3 | Asisten Ahli | 01-09-2016 |
No. | Periode | Program Studi | Mata Kuliah | Nama Kelas | Rencana Pertemuan | Realisasi Pertemuan |
1 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1103 - KARAKTER BIOLOGI TUBUH MANUSIA | 231P2 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1103 - KARAKTER BIOLOGI TUBUH MANUSIA | 231P1 | 1 | 1 |
3 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1103 - KARAKTER BIOLOGI TUBUH MANUSIA | 231L4 | 3 | 3 |
4 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1103 - KARAKTER BIOLOGI TUBUH MANUSIA | 231L3 | 2 | 2 |
5 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1103 - KARAKTER BIOLOGI TUBUH MANUSIA | 231L2 | 2 | 2 |
6 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1103 - KARAKTER BIOLOGI TUBUH MANUSIA | 231L1 | 4 | 4 |
7 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1102 - KIMIA DAN FISIKA KEHIDUPAN | 231P2 | 2 | 2 |
8 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1101 - KETERAMPILAN BELAJAR, KOMUNIKASI DAN DASAR ILMIAH | 231P2 | 1 | 1 |
9 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1101 - KETERAMPILAN BELAJAR, KOMUNIKASI DAN DASAR ILMIAH | 231P1 | 1 | 1 |
10 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1101 - KETERAMPILAN BELAJAR, KOMUNIKASI DAN DASAR ILMIAH | 231L4 | 3 | 3 |
11 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1101 - KETERAMPILAN BELAJAR, KOMUNIKASI DAN DASAR ILMIAH | 231L3 | 1 | 1 |
12 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1101 - KETERAMPILAN BELAJAR, KOMUNIKASI DAN DASAR ILMIAH | 231L2 | 1 | 1 |
13 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1101 - KETERAMPILAN BELAJAR, KOMUNIKASI DAN DASAR ILMIAH | 231L1 | 1 | 1 |
14 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU2102 - ASPEK BIOMEDIK ADAPTASI DAN IMPLEMENTASI PADA DIAGNOSIS FISIS | 231P2 | 2 | 2 |
15 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD030417 - SKRIPSI | 231P1 | 1 | 1 |
16 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD030417 - SKRIPSI | 231L5 | 1 | 1 |
17 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD030417 - SKRIPSI | 231L4 | 1 | 1 |
18 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD030417 - SKRIPSI | 231L3 | 1 | 1 |
19 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD030417 - SKRIPSI | 231L2 | 1 | 1 |
20 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD030417 - SKRIPSI | 231L1 | 1 | 1 |
21 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU2101 - ORGANISME PATOGEN | 231L2 | 2 | 2 |
22 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU2101 - ORGANISME PATOGEN | 231L1 | 2 | 2 |
23 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD025417 - INFEKSI TROPIK | 231P1 | 1 | 1 |
24 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD025417 - INFEKSI TROPIK | 231L5 | 1 | 1 |
25 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD025417 - INFEKSI TROPIK | 231L4 | 1 | 1 |
26 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD025417 - INFEKSI TROPIK | 231L3 | 1 | 1 |
27 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD025417 - INFEKSI TROPIK | 231L2 | 1 | 1 |
28 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD025417 - INFEKSI TROPIK | 231L1 | 1 | 1 |
29 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD130117 - BIOLOGI MOLEKUL LANJUT | 231P1 | 6 | 6 |
30 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD003117 - BIOLOGI SEL DAN MOLEKULER | 231P1 | 4 | 3 |
31 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD126117 - ANDROLOGI DASAR | 231P1 | 6 | 6 |
32 | 2023/2024 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD125117 - TOKSIKOLOGI | 231P1 | 6 | 6 |
33 | 2022/2023 Genap | Sp-1 - Ilmu Bedah | FK80516 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 222P1 | 8 | 8 |
34 | 2022/2023 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | BMD130117 - BIOLOGI MOLEKUL LANJUT | 222P1 | 4 | 4 |
35 | 2022/2023 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | BMD003117 - BIOLOGI SEL DAN MOLEKULER | 222P1 | 4 | 3 |
36 | 2022/2023 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU2209 - RESPIRASI | 222L1 | 2 | 2 |
37 | 2022/2023 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU2208 - KARDIOSEREBROVASKULER | 222L3 | 4 | 4 |
38 | 2022/2023 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU2208 - KARDIOSEREBROVASKULER | 222L2 | 2 | 2 |
39 | 2022/2023 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1207 - DINAMIKA BIOKIMIAWI SISTEM TUBUH | 222L3 | 2 | 2 |
40 | 2022/2023 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1207 - DINAMIKA BIOKIMIAWI SISTEM TUBUH | 222L1 | 4 | 4 |
41 | 2022/2023 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1206 - FUNGSI DAN MEKANISME SISTEM TUBUH | 222L1 | 4 | 4 |
42 | 2022/2023 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD022317 - REPRODUKSI DAN PERINATOLOGI | 222L1 | 2 | 2 |
43 | 2022/2023 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD021317 - HEMATO-IMUNOLOGI | 222L5 | 2 | 2 |
44 | 2022/2023 Genap | S1 - Kedokteran Gigi | BDG1209 - BIOLOGI KEDOKTERAN | 222P1 | 2 | 2 |
45 | 2022/2023 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | BMD109117 - BIOLOGI SEL LANJUT | 222P1 | 6 | 6 |
46 | 2022/2023 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | BMD125117 - TOKSIKOLOGI | 222P1 | 6 | 6 |
47 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | Sp-1 - Ilmu Bedah | FK80516 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 221P1 | 8 | 8 |
48 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD109117 - BIOLOGI SEL LANJUT | 221P1 | 3 | 3 |
49 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD003117 - BIOLOGI SEL DAN MOLEKULER | 221P1 | 4 | 4 |
50 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1101 - KETERAMPILAN BELAJAR, KOMUNIKASI DAN DASAR ILMIAH | 221L2 | 3 | 3 |
51 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1101 - KETERAMPILAN BELAJAR, KOMUNIKASI DAN DASAR ILMIAH | 221P2 | 3 | 3 |
52 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1103 - KARAKTER BIOLOGI TUBUH MANUSIA | 221L3 | 5 | 5 |
53 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1101 - KETERAMPILAN BELAJAR, KOMUNIKASI DAN DASAR ILMIAH | 221L1 | 3 | 3 |
54 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU2105 - MEDICAL ENTREPRENEUR | 221L3 | 2 | 2 |
55 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU2105 - MEDICAL ENTREPRENEUR | 221P2 | 2 | 2 |
56 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU2105 - MEDICAL ENTREPRENEUR | 221P1 | 2 | 2 |
57 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU2105 - MEDICAL ENTREPRENEUR | 221L4 | 2 | 2 |
58 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU2105 - MEDICAL ENTREPRENEUR | 221L2 | 2 | 2 |
59 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU2105 - MEDICAL ENTREPRENEUR | 221L1 | 2 | 2 |
60 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD030417 - SKRIPSI | 221L5 | 4 | 4 |
61 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD030417 - SKRIPSI | 221L2 | 4 | 4 |
62 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD030417 - SKRIPSI | 221L3 | 4 | 4 |
63 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD030417 - SKRIPSI | 221P1 | 4 | 4 |
64 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD030417 - SKRIPSI | 221L4 | 4 | 4 |
65 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD030417 - SKRIPSI | 221L1 | 4 | 4 |
66 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD026417 - KEGAWATDARURATAN | 221L2 | 5 | 5 |
67 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD025417 - INFEKSI TROPIK | 221L5 | 4 | 4 |
68 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD025417 - INFEKSI TROPIK | 221L1 | 4 | 4 |
69 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU2103 - THERAPI OBAT DAN NUTRISI | 221P2 | 4 | 4 |
70 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1103 - KARAKTER BIOLOGI TUBUH MANUSIA | 221L1 | 5 | 5 |
71 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1103 - KARAKTER BIOLOGI TUBUH MANUSIA | 221P2 | 5 | 5 |
72 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU2101 - ORGANISME PATOGEN | 221L3 | 5 | 5 |
73 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1103 - KARAKTER BIOLOGI TUBUH MANUSIA | 221P1 | 5 | 5 |
74 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1103 - KARAKTER BIOLOGI TUBUH MANUSIA | 221L4 | 5 | 5 |
75 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1103 - KARAKTER BIOLOGI TUBUH MANUSIA | 221L2 | 5 | 5 |
76 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1101 - KETERAMPILAN BELAJAR, KOMUNIKASI DAN DASAR ILMIAH | 221P1 | 3 | 3 |
77 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1101 - KETERAMPILAN BELAJAR, KOMUNIKASI DAN DASAR ILMIAH | 221L4 | 3 | 3 |
78 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1101 - KETERAMPILAN BELAJAR, KOMUNIKASI DAN DASAR ILMIAH | 221L3 | 3 | 3 |
79 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | Sp-1 - Ilmu Kebidanan Dan Penyakit Kandungan | KU0005117 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 221P1 | 12 | 12 |
80 | 2022/2023 Ganjil | S1 - Ilmu Keperawatan | BIK1103 - ILMU BIOMEDIK DASAR | 221L2 | 1 | 1 |
81 | 2021/2022 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | BMD125117 - TOKSIKOLOGI | 212P1 | 8 | 8 |
82 | 2021/2022 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD022317 - REPRODUKSI DAN PERINATOLOGI | 212P1 | 7 | 7 |
83 | 2021/2022 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD021317 - HEMATO-IMUNOLOGI | 212L3 | 3 | 3 |
84 | 2021/2022 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD014217 - RESPIRASI | 212L5 | 1 | 1 |
85 | 2021/2022 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD023317 - TUMBUH KEMBANG DAN GERIATRI | 212L5 | 5 | 5 |
86 | 2021/2022 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | BMD130117 - BIOLOGI MOLEKUL LANJUT | 212P1 | 8 | 8 |
87 | 2021/2022 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD022317 - REPRODUKSI DAN PERINATOLOGI | 212L5 | 7 | 7 |
88 | 2021/2022 Genap | Sp-1 - Ilmu Kebidanan Dan Penyakit Kandungan | KU0005117 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 212P1 | 14 | 14 |
89 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD005117 - TEKNIK DASAR LABORATORIUM BIOMEDIK | 211P1 | 4 | 4 |
90 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD009217 - ASPEK BIOMEDIK ADAPTASI DAN IMPLEMENTASI PADA DIAGNOSIS FISIS | 211P1 | 5 | 5 |
91 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD009217 - ASPEK BIOMEDIK ADAPTASI DAN IMPLEMENTASI PADA DIAGNOSIS FISIS | 211L1 | 2 | 2 |
92 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD109117 - BIOLOGI SEL LANJUT | 211P1 | 5 | 5 |
93 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | Sp-1 - Ilmu Penyakit THT | KUO005117 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 211P1 | 8 | 8 |
94 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD017317 - SISTEM SARAF DAN SISTEM SENSORIS KHUSUS | 211P1 | 1 | 1 |
95 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD003117 - BIOLOGI SEL DAN MOLEKULER | 211P1 | 5 | 5 |
96 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD019317 - JIWA DAN FUNGSI LUHUR | 211P1 | 1 | 1 |
97 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD006117 - TEKNIK PEMERIKSAAN DASAR LABORATORIUM BIOMEDIK | 211P1 | 4 | 4 |
98 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1103 - KARAKTER BIOLOGI TUBUH MANUSIA | 211P1 | 6 | 6 |
99 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | Sp-1 - Ilmu Penyakit Syaraf | BFK5005 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 211P1 | 1 | 1 |
100 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S1 - Ilmu Keperawatan | BIK1103 - ILMU BIOMEDIK DASAR | 211L1 | 1 | 1 |
101 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD008217 - ORGANISME PATOGEN | 211P1 | 4 | 4 |
102 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | Sp-1 - Ilmu Penyakit Mata | KUO005117 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 211P1 | 5 | 5 |
103 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD030417 - SKRIPSI | 211L1 | 2 | 2 |
104 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | Sp-1 - Ilmu Patologi Anatomi | KUO603 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 211P1 | 1 | 1 |
105 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD010217 - TERAPI OBAT DAN NUTRISI | 211P1 | 4 | 4 |
106 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | Sp-1 - Ilmu Penyakit Kulit Dan Kelamin | KUO005117 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 211P1 | 5 | 5 |
107 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1101 - KETERAMPILAN BELAJAR, KOMUNIKASI DAN DASAR ILMIAH | 211P1 | 1 | 1 |
108 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD016317 - SISTEM GINJAL DAN SALURAN KEMIH | 211P1 | 2 | 2 |
109 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | Sp-1 - Ilmu Kesehatan Anak | BFK5005 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 211P1 | 1 | 1 |
110 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD010217 - TERAPI OBAT DAN NUTRISI | 211L1 | 4 | 4 |
111 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S1 - Ilmu Keperawatan | BIK1103 - ILMU BIOMEDIK DASAR | 211L2 | 1 | 1 |
112 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | Sp-1 - Anestesiologi Dan Reanimasi | FK80516 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 211P1 | 2 | 2 |
113 | 2021/2022 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | BDU1102 - KIMIA DAN FISIKA KEHIDUPAN | 211L1 | 3 | 3 |
114 | 2020/2021 Genap | Sp-1 - Anestesiologi Dan Reanimasi | FK80516 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 201P1 | 2 | 2 |
115 | 2020/2021 Genap | Sp-1 - Ilmu Patologi Anatomi | KUO603 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 202P1 | 1 | 1 |
116 | 2020/2021 Genap | Sp-1 - Ilmu Bedah | FK80516 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 202P1 | 5 | 5 |
117 | 2020/2021 Genap | Sp-1 - Ilmu Kesehatan Anak | BFK5005 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 202P1 | 2 | 2 |
118 | 2020/2021 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | BMD130117 - BIOLOGI MOLEKUL LANJUT | 202P1 | 6 | 6 |
119 | 2020/2021 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD021317 - HEMATO-IMUNOLOGI | 202P1 | 2 | 2 |
120 | 2020/2021 Genap | S1 - Kedokteran Gigi | IKG113117 - BIOLOGI KEDOKTERAN | 202P | 3 | 3 |
121 | 2020/2021 Genap | Sp-1 - Ilmu Penyakit Kulit Dan Kelamin | KUO005117 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 202P1 | 5 | 5 |
122 | 2020/2021 Genap | Sp-1 - Ilmu Penyakit THT | KUO005117 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 202P1 | 8 | 8 |
123 | 2020/2021 Genap | Sp-1 - Ilmu Penyakit Mata | KUO005117 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 202P1 | 5 | 5 |
124 | 2020/2021 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD023317 - TUMBUH KEMBANG DAN GERIATRI | 202L1 | 2 | 2 |
125 | 2020/2021 Genap | Sp-1 - Ilmu Penyakit Syaraf | KUO005117 - GENETIKA KEDOKTERAN | 202P1 | 1 | 1 |
126 | 2020/2021 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD014217 - RESPIRASI | 202P1 | 2 | 2 |
127 | 2020/2021 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD022317 - REPRODUKSI DAN PERINATOLOGI | 202L1 | 2 | 2 |
128 | 2020/2021 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | BMD125117 - TOKSIKOLOGI | 202P1 | 5 | 5 |
129 | 2020/2021 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD109117 - BIOLOGI SEL LANJUT | 201P1 | 5 | 5 |
130 | 2020/2021 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD009217 - ASPEK BIOMEDIK ADAPTASI DAN IMPLEMENTASI PADA DIAGNOSIS FISIS | 201P1 | 5 | 5 |
131 | 2020/2021 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD003117 - KARAKTER BIOLOGI TUBUH MANUSIA | 201L1 | 5 | 5 |
132 | 2020/2021 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD006117 - TEKNIK PEMERIKSAAN DASAR LABORATORIUM BIOMEDIK | 201P1 | 4 | 4 |
133 | 2020/2021 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD009217 - ASPEK BIOMEDIK ADAPTASI DAN IMPLEMENTASI PADA DIAGNOSIS FISIS | 201L1 | 5 | 5 |
134 | 2020/2021 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD005117 - TEKNIK DASAR LABORATORIUM BIOMEDIK | 201P1 | 4 | 4 |
135 | 2020/2021 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD003117 - KARAKTER BIOLOGI TUBUH MANUSIA | 201P1 | 5 | 5 |
136 | 2019/2020 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD023317 - TUMBUH KEMBANG DAN GERIATRI | 192P1 | 5 | 5 |
137 | 2019/2020 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD023317 - TUMBUH KEMBANG DAN GERIATRI | 192L1 | 5 | 5 |
138 | 2019/2020 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD023317 - TUMBUH KEMBANG DAN GERIATRI | 192L2 | 5 | 5 |
139 | 2019/2020 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD006117 - TEKNIK PEMERIKSAAN DASAR LABORATORIUM BIOMEDIK | 191P1 | 4 | 4 |
140 | 2019/2020 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD005117 - TEKNIK DASAR LABORATORIUM BIOMEDIK | 191P1 | 4 | 4 |
141 | 2018/2019 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | BMD130117 - BIOLOGI MOLEKUL LANJUT | 182P1 | 4 | 4 |
142 | 2018/2019 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | MPB312 - TUMBUH KEMBANG DAN GERIATRI | 182L1 | 5 | 5 |
143 | 2018/2019 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | MPB312 - TUMBUH KEMBANG DAN GERIATRI | 182L2 | 5 | 5 |
144 | 2018/2019 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | MPB312 - TUMBUH KEMBANG DAN GERIATRI | 182P1 | 5 | 5 |
145 | 2018/2019 Genap | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD023317 - TUMBUH KEMBANG DAN GERIATRI | Beta | 8 | 8 |
146 | 2018/2019 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD009217 - ASPEK BIOMEDIK ADAPTASI DAN IMPLEMENTASI PADA DIAGNOSIS FISIS | 181L2 | 5 | 5 |
147 | 2018/2019 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD009217 - ASPEK BIOMEDIK ADAPTASI DAN IMPLEMENTASI PADA DIAGNOSIS FISIS | 181L1 | 5 | 5 |
148 | 2018/2019 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD006117 - TEKNIK PEMERIKSAAN DASAR LABORATORIUM BIOMEDIK | 181P1 | 4 | 4 |
149 | 2018/2019 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | BMD005117 - TEKNIK DASAR LABORATORIUM BIOMEDIK | 181P1 | 5 | 5 |
150 | 2018/2019 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | MPB313 - INFEKSI TROPIS | 181P2 | 4 | 4 |
151 | 2018/2019 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | MPB313 - INFEKSI TROPIS | 181P1 | 4 | |
152 | 2018/2019 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | PPD009217 - ASPEK BIOMEDIK ADAPTASI DAN IMPLEMENTASI PADA DIAGNOSIS FISIS | 181P1 | 5 | 5 |
153 | 2017/2018 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | MPB308 - JIWA DAN FUNGSI LUHUR | 171P2 | 5 | 5 |
154 | 2017/2018 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | MPB307 - INTEGUMENTUM | 171P2 | 4 | 4 |
155 | 2017/2018 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | KUB50516 - TEKNIK DASAR LABORATORIUM BIOMEDIK | 171P1 | 5 | 5 |
156 | 2017/2018 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | KUB50616 - PRAKTIKUM TEKNIK DASAR LABORATORIUM BIOMEDIK | 171P1 | 5 | 5 |
157 | 2017/2018 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | MPB308 - JIWA DAN FUNGSI LUHUR | 171P1 | 5 | |
158 | 2017/2018 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | MPB307 - INTEGUMENTUM | 171P1 | 4 | |
159 | 2016/2017 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | FAR50616 - EFEK SAMPING OBAT | 162P1 | 4 | 4 |
160 | 2016/2017 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | FAR50416 - PRAKTIKUM FARMAKOLOGI EKSPERIMENTAL | 162P1 | 6 | 5 |
161 | 2016/2017 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | FAR51116 - FARMAKOLOGI OBAT SISTEM SARAF ** | 162P1 | 4 | 4 |
162 | 2016/2017 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | FAR51216 - FARMAKOLOGI OBAT KARDIOVASKULAR** | 162P1 | 4 | 4 |
163 | 2016/2017 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | KUB61107 - FARMAKOLOGI OBAT SSP/OTONOM | 161P1 | 4 | 4 |
164 | 2016/2017 Ganjil | S1 - Pendidikan Dokter | MPB310 - HEMATOLOGI DAN IMUNOLOGI | 141P2 | 4 | 4 |
165 | 2016/2017 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | FAR50116 - FARMAKOKINETIK* | 161P1 | 4 | 4 |
166 | 2016/2017 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | KUB50516 - TEKNIK DASAR LABORATORIUM BIOMEDIK | 161P1 | 4 | 4 |
167 | 2016/2017 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | FAR50216 - FARMAKODINAMIK* | 161P1 | 5 | 5 |
168 | 2016/2017 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | KUB61207 - FARMAKOLOGI OBAT KARDIOVASKULER | 161P1 | 4 | 4 |
169 | 2016/2017 Ganjil | S2 - Biomedik | KUB50616 - PRAKTIKUM TEKNIK DASAR LABORATORIUM BIOMEDIK | 161P1 | 4 | 4 |
170 | 2015/2016 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | KUB52407 - FARMAKOLOGI KLINIK | 152P1 | 2 | 2 |
171 | 2015/2016 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | KUB52207 - FARMAKOKINETIK | 152P1 | 6 | 6 |
172 | 2015/2016 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | KUB52107 - FARMAKODINAMIK | 152P1 | 6 | 6 |
173 | 2015/2016 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | KUB52707 - EFEK SAMPING OBAT | 152P1 | 4 | 4 |
174 | 2014/2015 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | KUB52407 - FARMAKOLOGI KLINIK | 142P1 | 4 | 4 |
175 | 2014/2015 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | KUB52107 - FARMAKODINAMIK | 142P1 | 5 | 5 |
176 | 2014/2015 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | KUB52707 - EFEK SAMPING OBAT | 142P1 | 4 | 4 |
177 | 2014/2015 Genap | S2 - Biomedik | KUB52207 - FARMAKOKINETIK | 142P1 | 5 | 5 |
Nomor | NIM | Nama Mahasiswa | Jenis Aktivitas | Judul Aktivitas | Tanggal Aktivitas | Pembimbing Ke |
1 | 04011281924097 | AIDI ALIFIA PUTRI | Skripsi | Pengaruh Fraksi Nonpolar Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum burmannii) terhadap Kadar GABA Tikus Putih Model Insomnia | 15-12-2022 | 1 |
2 | 04011181823061 | JIRANA | Tugas akhir | Profil Bayi Baru Lahir dengan Kelainan Kongenital di RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang Tahun 2020 | 10-11-2021 | 2 |
3 | 04011281823155 | DESSY AGUSTINI | Tugas akhir | Efikasi Ekstrak Kayu Manis (Cinnamommum burmannii) terhadap Kadar Serotonian pada Tikus Putih Galur Wistar Model Insomnia | 02-06-2021 | 1 |
4 | 04011381823230 | HUSNI MUBAROQ | Tugas akhir | Efikasi Kayu Manis (Cinnamomun burmanii) Terhadap Kadar Melatonin pada Tikus Putih Galur Wistar Model Insomnia | 02-06-2021 | 1 |
Nomor | NIM | Nama Mahasiswa | Jenis Aktivitas | Judul Aktivitas | Tanggal Aktivitas | penguji Ke |
1 | 04011381823242 | MELINDA WAHYU PUTRI | Tugas akhir | Hubungan Riwiayat Keluarga dan Tempat Tinggal Dengan Kejadian Skizofrenia di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Ernaldi Bahar | 10-11-2021 | 1 |
2 | 04112681418009 | NYAYU FITRIANI | Tesis | Uji Efektivitas Ekstrak Etanol Daun Gaharu (Aquilaria malaccensis) terhadap Aktivitas Alfa Glukosidase pada Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Jantan Model Diabetes. | 29-03-2025 | 4 |
Data tidak tersedia
No. | Judul | Jenis Publikasi | Nama Jurnal | Tanggal | Volume | Halaman | Penerbit |
1 | The Role of Pattern Recognition Receptor (PRR) in the Body's Defense System: A Narrative Literature Review | Jurnal internasional | Open Access Indonesian Journal of Medical Reviews | 08-05-2023 | 3 | 394-397 | Department of Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya, collaborated with CMHC |
2 | The efficacy and safety of electrolyzed water against Covid-19 as an alternative hand sanitizer | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Medicinski Glasnik | 01-08-2022 | 19 | 229-233 | |
3 | Effect of Andrographis paniculata on Blood Sugar Levels Through Regulation of Alpha-Glucosidase Enzyme Expression: An In Vivo Study | Jurnal nasional terakreditasi | Eureka Herba Indonesia | 25-07-2022 | 3 | 136-139 | HM Publisher |
4 | Pathophysiological to Clinical Aspects of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM): Narrative Literature Review | Jurnal internasional | Archives of The Medicine and Case Reports | 03-04-2022 | 3 | 246-255 | HM Publisher |
5 | Pathophysiological to Clinical Aspects of Head Injury: Narrative Literature Review | Jurnal internasional | Open Access Indonesian Journal of Medical Reviews | 02-04-2022 | 2 | 193-199 | HM Publisher |
6 | Lymphocyte Levels in Predicting the Outcome of COVID-19 Patient: A Prognostic Study from Single Center in Indonesia | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Journal of Nepal Health Research Council | 15-12-2021 | 19 | 536-549 | Nepal Health Research Council |
7 | Potensi Ekstrak Kayu Manis (Cinamomum burmanii) Terhadap Gangguan Tidur Pada Tikus Putih Model Insomnia | Makalah ilmiah | Seminar Hasil Penelitian Sateks | 08-12-2021 | 0 | LP2M Universitas Sriwijaya | |
8 | Cancer Treatment in Islamic Traditional Medicine | Jurnal internasional | Arkus | 22-10-2021 | 7 | 155-159 | HM Publisher |
9 | Optimizing Anabas testudineus oil processing by refinement process for quality parameters and fatty acid composition | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | AACL Bioflux | 01-10-2021 | 14 | 3111-3118 | |
10 | Effects of the Sonchus Arvensis Fraction in Rats with Monosodium Urate Induced Gouty Arthritis | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences | 30-09-2021 | 48 | 71-76 | |
11 | A Study of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Nasal Irrigation During Covid-19 Pandemic | Jurnal internasional | Natural Sciences Engineering & Technology Journal | 21-09-2021 | 2 | 58-64 | |
12 | A Study of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Nasal Irrigation During Covid-19 Pandemic | Jurnal internasional | Natural Sciences Engineering & Technology | 01-09-2021 | 2 | 58-64 | Natural Sciences Engineering & Technology Journal Vol 2 Issue 1 |
13 | Effects of Andrographis paniculata (Burnt F.) Extract on Diabetic Nephropathy in Rats | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | REPORTS OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY | 31-07-2021 | 0 | 445 | |
15 | Evaluation of the anti-gout effect of Sonchus Arvensis on monosodium urate crystal-induced gout arthritis via anti-inflammatory action-an in vivo study | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Medicine and Pharmacy Reports | 29-07-2021 | 94 | 358–365. | Iuliu Hatieganu Medical University Press |
16 | Investigation of Anti Receptor Advanced Glycation End Product Effect in Pericyte Loss Prevention in Diabetic Retinopathy | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Journal of Hunan University(Natural Sciences) | 05-07-2021 | 48 | 193-197 | |
17 | Brain Development of Attachment Experience: How Does It Affects Our Brain? | Jurnal internasional | Scientia Psychiatrica | 05-07-2021 | 2 | 157-160 | HM Publisher |
18 | Potential of Karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) Fraction Against Kidney Damage in Diabetic Rats | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Herba Polonica | 10-06-2021 | 67 | 9-16 | Instytut Roslin i Przetworow Zielarskich |
19 | Socialization and Education on the Utilization of Curcuma Medicinal Plants (Curcuma xyanthoriza) in Increasing Immunity in Palembang | Jurnal internasional | 17-05-2021 | 0 | HM Publisher | ||
20 | Nfatc1 and Tumor Associated Macrophages Affect Progression of Certain Subsets of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Non-Gcb Subtypes | Jurnal nasional terakreditasi | Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine & Translational Research | 09-01-2021 | 5 | 320-328 | HM Publisher |
21 | Polymorphism E23K KCNJ11 Gen as a Risk Factor of Diabetes Mellitus in Serawai Tribe Of Bengkulu | Jurnal internasional | Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 4 (1 | 31-07-2020 | 0 | ||
22 | Comorbid of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Schizophrenia: A Case Report | Jurnal internasional | Scientia Psychiatrica 1 (1) | 31-07-2020 | 0 | ||
23 | Neuronal Cell Death Induces Depressive Disorder in Rats Depression-Like Behaviors Caused by Chronic Stress | Jurnal internasional | Scientia Psychiatrica 1 (2), 16-24 | 31-07-2020 | 0 | ||
24 | Video Game Increases Depression in Students | Jurnal internasional | Scientia Psychiatrica 1 (1) | 31-07-2020 | 0 | ||
25 | Psychotic Symptoms Related Anti NMDA Receptor in Ovarian Teratoma | Jurnal internasional | Scientia Psychiatrica 1 (2), 1-8 | 31-07-2020 | 0 | ||
26 | Automated Detection of COVID-19 Infected Lesion on Computed Tomography Images Using Faster-RCNNs | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | ENGINEERING LETTERS | 31-07-2020 | 0 | 1295 | |
27 | Profile of Personality and Psychopathology Dimensions of Indonesian Medical Students who Failed in Medical Doctor Competency Exams (UKMPPD) | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Scientia Psychiatrica 1 (2), 9-15 | 31-07-2020 | 0 | ||
28 | Antidepressant effect of cinnammon burmanii bark extract in chronic stress induced rat | Jurnal internasional | Macedonian journal of medical sciences | 21-05-2020 | 8 | 3995 | Macedonian journal of medical sciences |
29 | Antidepressant effect of cinnammon burmanii bark extract in chronic stress induced rat | Jurnal internasional | Macedonian journal of medical sciences | 21-05-2020 | 8 | 3995 | Macedonian journal of medical sciences |
30 | The Probiotic Bacterium Isolated from Bekasam (Traditional Fermented Food), Lactobacillus Sp. Induces Activation of Gut Mucosal Immune System in Rat | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 15-11-2019 | 7 | 3530-3533 | Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia |
31 | Inhibition of Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products as New Promising Strategy Treatment in Diabetic Retinopathy | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Open Acces Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 14-10-2019 | 7 | 3921-3924 | Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia |
32 | Royal Jelly (Bee Product) Decreases Inflammatory Response in Wistar Rats Induced with Ultraviolet Radiation | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Open Acces Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 29-08-2019 | 7 | 2723-2727 | Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia |
33 | The Anticancer Activity of Srikaya Leaves Fraction (Annona squamosa L.): An In Vitro Study | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 3 (4 | 31-07-2019 | 0 | ||
34 | Seluang (Rasbora agrotyenia) Fish Oil Increases Vitamin D in Autoimmune Patients (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1246 (1), 012036 | 31-07-2019 | 0 | ||
35 | Royal Jelly (Bee Product) Decreases Inflammatory Response in Wistar Rats Induced with Ultraviolet Radiation. Open Access Maced J Med Sci | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | 31-07-2019 | 0 | |||
36 | The Effect of Ischemic-Reperfusion on Acute Kidney Injury Pathogenesis to the Glomerular Microscopic Appearance and Cystatin C Level in Wistar White Rat. | Jurnal internasional | Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research | 31-07-2019 | 3 | 28-37 | Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya |
37 | The effect of Leaf Salam Extracts (Syzygium polyanthum) in Diabetes Mellitus therapy on wistar albino rats | Prosiding seminar internasional | 31-07-2019 | 0 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | ||
38 | Seluang Fish (Rasbora Spp.) Oil Decreases Inflammatory Cytokines Via Increasing Vitamin D Level in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 7 (9), 1418 | 31-07-2019 | 7 | 1418-1421 | Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia |
39 | Pengaruh Iskemia-Reperfusi terhadap Gambaran Seluler Tubulointerstisial Renalis, Kadar Cystatin C dan Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) Tikus Wistar | Jurnal nasional | SRIWIJAYA JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 2 (3), 186-196 | 31-07-2019 | 0 | ||
40 | Association of Stress Level with Menstrual Disturbance Among Female Students in Medical Faculty Sriwijaya University | Jurnal internasional | Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 3 (1 | 31-07-2019 | 0 | ||
41 | Inhibition of Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products as New Promising Strategy Treatment in Diabetic Retinopathy | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 7 (23) | 31-07-2019 | 0 | ||
42 | The relationship between TNF- gene polymorphism, pro-inflammatory cytokines and bone turnover markers in COPD patients with osteoporosis | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1246 (1), 012035 | 31-07-2019 | 0 | ||
43 | Gambir Extract (Uncaria Gambir) Decreases Inflammatory Response and Increases Gastric Mucosal Integrity in Wistar Rats-Model Gastritis | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 7 (19), 3149 | 31-07-2019 | 0 | ||
44 | The Relationships between Neutrophil/Lymphocyte Ratio and Child-Turcotte-Pugh Classification in Assessing Severity of Liver Cirrhosis | Jurnal internasional | Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 3 (1 | 31-07-2019 | 3 | 14-27 | Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya |
45 | The effect of Leaf Salam Extracts (Syzygium polyanthum) in diabetes mellitus therapy on wistar albino rats | Jurnal internasional | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1246 (1), 012034 | 31-07-2019 | 1246 | Journal of physics | |
46 | Habitat Characterization of Mansonia spp as Filariasis Vector in Banyuasin, South Sumatra, Indonesia | Prosiding seminar internasional | E3S Web of Conferences | 27-11-2018 | 68 | ||
47 | Risk Factors for Stunting Children Aged 6-59 Months In Pulau Panggung District, South Sumatera, Indonesia | Jurnal internasional | Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 2 (2 | 31-07-2018 | 0 | ||
48 | The Efficacy of Sauropus androgynus Leaves Extract To Improve Cognitive Function in Wistar Rats Induced Alzheimers | Jurnal internasional | Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 2 (3 | 31-07-2018 | 0 | ||
49 | Potential efficacy of extracts of Pimpinela alpina, Tribulus terestris and Eurycoma longifolia in increasing sexual activity in male wistar rats | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Medicinal Plants-International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related | 31-07-2018 | 0 | ||
50 | The Risk Factors of Anorectal Malformation Patients Mortality in Palembang | Jurnal internasional | Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 2 (3 | 31-07-2018 | 0 | ||
51 | Bekasam Traditional Fermented Food Reduces Blood Cholesterol in Wistar Rats Induced High Fat Diet | Jurnal internasional | RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES 9 (5 | 31-07-2018 | 0 | ||
52 | The Efficacy of Seluang Fish Oil (Rasbora agrotynea) Related Body Weight, Lipid Profile, Adiponectin and Leptin in Wistar Rats-Induced High Fat Diet | Jurnal internasional | BioScientia Medicina 2 (2), 25-30 | 31-07-2018 | 0 | ||
53 | The Efficacy of Seluang Fish (Rasbora argryotaenia) Oil in Cognitive Function and Expression of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in Rattus norvegicus Strain Wistar | Jurnal internasional | RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES 9 (5 | 31-07-2018 | 0 | ||
54 | Bekasam "Traditional Fermented Food" Reduces Blood Cholesterol in Wistar Rats Induced High Fat Diet | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES | 31-07-2018 | 0 | 1563 | |
55 | Effect of supplementation kayu manis (Cinnamomum burmannii) extract in neuronal cell death protectio | Jurnal internasional bereputasi | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research | 01-02-2018 | 11 | 363-365 | |
56 | Efek Sedativa dan Kebugaran Teh Celup Daun Gaharu (Aquilaria malaccensis L) | Jurnal nasional | Jurnal Jamu Indonesia | 30-11-2017 | 2 | 114-119 | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
57 | The Relatioships Among Leptin, Resistin, Visfatin, Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)- Level and The Severity Grade of Osteoarthritis in Osteoarthritis Patients with Obesity | Jurnal internasional | Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science 5 (2), 10-14 | 31-07-2017 | 0 | ||
58 | Telmisartan Prevents Myocardial Fibrosis via Decreasing Fraction of Colagen Type 1 Volume in Myocardial Tissue in Wistar Rats-Induced High Salt Intake | Jurnal internasional | Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 1 (1 | 31-07-2017 | 0 | ||
59 | The Relatioships Among Leptin, Resistin, Visfatin, Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)- Level and The Severity Grade of Osteoarthritis in Osteoarthritis Patients with... | Jurnal internasional | Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science 5 (2), 10-14 | 31-07-2017 | 0 | ||
60 | The Efficacy of Lerek Fruits (Phrynium maximum) Extract Related Body Weight, Lipid Profile and Leptin in Wistar Rats-Induced High Fat Diet | Jurnal internasional | Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 1 (1 | 31-07-2017 | 0 | ||
61 | The Efficacy of Temu Putih Fraction (Curcuma Zedoaria (Berg) Roscoe) Related Quality and Quantity of Spermatozoa in Male Wistar Rats | Jurnal internasional | Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research 1 (1 | 31-07-2017 | 0 | ||
62 | The relationships between sorbitol dehydrogenase (sdh) level and diabetic rethinopathy in diabetes melitus type-2 patients | Jurnal internasional | International Journal of Biological and Medical Research (IJBMR) 8 (3), 6020 | 31-07-2017 | 0 | ||
63 | The efficacy of sidaguri (sida rhombifolia) extract in hyperuricemia induced wistar rats | Jurnal internasional | International Journal of Biological and Medical Research (IJBMR 8 (1), 5866-5869 | 31-07-2017 | 0 | ||
64 | Correlation serum level of 25 (OH) D and bone density in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients | Jurnal internasional | Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science 5 (2), 15-20 | 31-07-2017 | 0 | ||
65 | The Relatioships Among Leptin, Resistin, Visfatin, Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)-beta Level and The Severity Grade of Osteoarthritis in Osteoarthritis Patients with Obesity | Jurnal internasional | JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MEDICAL AND DENTAL SCIENCE 5 (2), 10-14 | 31-07-2017 | 0 | ||
66 | Adiponectin and Leptin Synovial Fluid Concentration as a Marker for the Severity of Knee Osteoarthritis in Obese Patients | Jurnal internasional | Cukurova Medical Journal 40 (4), 746-756 | 31-07-2015 | 0 | ||
67 | Telmisartan Prevents Myocardial Fibrosis: Telmisartan Decreases TGF-1 and Collagen Fraction Volume Myocardial Tissue in Wistar Rats Induced High Salt Intake | Jurnal internasional | International Journal of Biological Medical Research 6 (3), 5050-5054 | 31-07-2015 | 0 | ||
68 | Peroxisome Proliferator Activator Receptor (PPAR) Agonis Menurunkan Kadar Sitokin Anti Inflamasi TGF- dan IL-10 pada Tikus Putih Wistar Model Inflamasi Vas... | Jurnal nasional terakreditasi | JURNAL KEDOKTERAN KESEHATAN: Publikasi Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran | 31-07-2015 | 0 | ||
69 | Peroxisome Proliferator Activator Receptor (PPAR) Agonis Menurunkan Kadar Sitokin Anti Inflamasi TGF- dan IL-10 pada Tikus Putih Wistar Model Inflamasi Vaskular | Jurnal nasional terakreditasi | Jurnal Kedokteran Kesehatan: Publikasi Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran | 31-07-2015 | 0 |
No. | Judul | Jenis Publikasi | Tanggal | Halaman | Penerbit | ISBN |
1 | Cara Mudah Memahami Sel Sebagai Unit Utama Penyusun Tubuh | Buku referensi | 02-08-2022 | CV. Hanif Medisiana | 978-623-97681-3-3 |
No. | Jenis Publikasi | Judul | Tanggal |
1 | Paten nasional | Komposisi Minyak Selung dan Metode Ekstraksinya | 31-05-2017 |
2 | Paten nasional | Ekstrak Kayu Manis sebagai Proteksi Neuron Pada Terapi Antipsikotik | 31-05-2017 |
Data tidak tersedia