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South Sumatra Regional Police Chief, Inspector General of Police, Albertus Rachmad Wibowo, SIK Visits Students from Papua and Hands Over Sacrificial Lambs


South Sumatra Regional Police Chief, Inspector General of Police, Albertus Rachmad Wibowo, SIK visited the Sriwijaya Papua Student Community Secretariat (Kompas) and handed over a sacrificial lamb to students from Papua. The sacrificial goat given by the Regional Police Chief was slaughtered in the Honai House Yard, Secretariat of the Papua Sriwijaya Student Community (Kompas), Monday (17/6/2024). The Regional Police Chief together with the Inspector General of the South Sumatra Regional Police, Police Commissioner Feri Handoko Soenarko, S.H., SIK, Dir Bimas, Police Commissioner Sofyan Hidayat, SIK, MM, and Police Chief Ogan Ilir were received by the Chancellor in the Meeting Room of the An-Nabawi Unsri Mosque, Indralaya campus. After that, the group together with the Chancellor and other Unsri officials, namely the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Rujito Agus Suwignyo, M, Agr., Head of the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau, Inayati Mandayuni, S.T., M. Si. Head of the Planning and Public Relations Bureau, Dedi Supriyadi, S.T., M.Si. together towards the Kompas Secretariat. On that occasion, the Chairman of Kompas, Titran, said that the sacrificial animal slaughtering activity carried out at the Kompas secretariat was a form of building the value of tolerance because he realized that Kompas consisted of various tribes, languages ​​and religions so the value of tolerance needed to be instilled. The Chancellor said that next August Papuan students will hold a seminar on the potential and opportunities of Papuan students in facing job market challenges. This was initiated because many Papuan students have graduated, but it is difficult to find work in Papua. Meanwhile, the speakers who will be invited include PT Freeport, the Papuan Government, and from Unsri. Apart from that, he also said that Papuan students would hold a large deliberation (Mubes) and a joint Christmas celebration for Papuan students throughout Sumatra. For this reason, he asked for support from the Chancellor and the Regional Police Chief in its implementation. "We hope that momentum like this will not only stop here, but will continue," hoped Titran. In response to this, the Chancellor stated that he supports and appreciates the attitude of tolerance and non-violence that has been developed by Papuan students. "Violence and intolerance must be avoided because we have labeled it as a big mistake that we must not commit. We will fully support all positive activities, including seminars, which will be coordinated by the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau. WR I will manage it," said the Chancellor. The Chancellor advised students who have completed their education to immediately return to develop the region. "Children are funded by the regional government and the central government. The aim is that after having experience and knowledge, all children can immediately develop their region. If you don't immediately return to your area, there will be no impact on the area. All children whose thinking patterns have improved hope to be able to develop the region. Perhaps this should be kept in mind, areas need it more. I wonder if it is stated that job opportunities in my home area are narrower than in other areas, that would be a big sign for me. Let's try to enlarge the event, then we will invite other than Freeport, perhaps the ministry in charge of employment, later we will invite the Minister of Home Affairs. I'm not sure that it's more widespread in Palembang than in Papua. I am sure that in Papua there will be greater opportunities for work. "But later we will discuss it in a seminar so that it can be a way out for all children to devote themselves to building the nation and state," said the Chancellor. Regarding Eid al-Adha, the South Sumatra Police Chief really appreciates the steps taken by Papuan brothers and sisters who show a form of brotherhood and tolerance. "It's true that Titran said earlier that Kompas consists of various tribes and different religions, this is where our diversity is, we care for it together. I hope that this activity will continue to be carried out as optimally as possible," suggested the Regional Police Chief. The Regional Police Chief also said that he would attend the Bakar Batu event which would be held by Kompas to commemorate the graduation of Nikolin, a Papuan student who had completed his education in Nursing. "If I don't have an event, I will attend Thursday Nikolin's graduation and burn stones. Hopefully I don't have any activities on Thursday so I can be here again, but if I have activities at least the Police Chief will be here. Regarding work, when you had an audience with me at the Regional Police, you also said that even though you had graduated from S1 and graduated from S2, it was difficult to find work, even in Papua. So if there is an FGD or seminar related to employment, it would be great to open up to stakeholders in Papua that we have potential resources for Papuan children. Earlier we could see that our sister's speech was very good, thanks to the guidance and direction from Sriwijaya University. "We are grateful to Unsri for creating national cadres with very good quality." Said the Regional Police Chief. After the meeting with the Papuan Student Community, the Regional Police Chief also tried Papuan student arrows which are usually used for hunting activities by Papuan students. (Yo_PR)