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Chancellor Socializes PTN BH to BEM and Ormawa


Unsri Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Taufik Marwa, S.E., M.Si., together with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Rujito Agus Suwignyo, M. Agr., accompanied by the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Dr. Radiyati Umi Partan, SpPD-KR, M.Kes, and Head of the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau, Inayati Mandayuni, S.T, M.Si. socialize Unsri's status as PTNBH to the Student Executive Board of Sriwijaya University (BEM-Unsri), BEM Faculty, and Student Organizations (Ormawa). Socialization was carried out in the Meeting Room, Fl. 2 Rectorate of Unsri, Indralaya campus, Thursday (19/9/2024). Chancellor, said that Unsri had changed its status from Public Service Agency State University (PTNBLU) to Legal Entity State University (PTNBH). With this change in status, the Chancellor hopes to increase Unsri's autonomy in responding to educational needs more quickly, because Unsri can manage its own income and improve the quality of education and research to international standards. In this way, it is hoped that it can produce graduates who are more competitive at the global level. Apart from that, Unsri can develop academic programs that support innovation and creativity, and are responsive to technological changes and scientific developments. Apart from that, said the Chancellor, PTNBH status will accelerate infrastructure development, allowing Unsri to build and develop facilities more quickly to create a better and globally competitive learning environment. Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Rujito Agus Suwignyo, among others, explained, why PTNBH? The three things he conveyed were firstly increasing Unsri's autonomy, namely greater autonomy in managing academic and non-academic activities including the freedom to determine the curriculum, open or close study programs, and manage finances independently. Autonomy allows ministers to respond more quickly to dynamic educational needs and global challenges. Second, with more independent financial management, Unsri can manage its own income, including from non-government sources such as collaboration with industry, campus businesses, research, and community donations. Third, improving the quality of education, Unsri can focus on improving the quality of education and research to international standards. The status of PTN BH also encourages increased accreditation. Meanwhile, through changes in autonomy and governance, there is the involvement of student representatives. With PTNBH there are four impacts for students, namely ease of building facilities, enabling faster and more flexible campus infrastructure development; better quality of education, namely focusing on improving the quality of education and research to global standards; Student organizations and activities, students still have the right to develop organizational activities through curricular and extracurricular activities; scholarships and financial relations, Unsri's commitment to continuing to provide scholarships for outstanding students and those who are economically disadvantaged. Apart from that, it also explains the membership of the Board of Trustees (MWA), which consists of 17 people consisting of the Minister, Chancellor, Chair of SAU, 3 representatives from community leaders, one representative from Unsri alumni, 8 representatives from lecturers, one representative from educational staff, and one representative from students. Procedures for nominating prospective MWA members for Student elements: 2 prospective MWA member representatives from students are proposed. (two) people by the chancellor to SAU after receiving consideration from the Unsri Student Executive Board. Prospective MWA member candidates representing students must meet the requirements, including having a cumulative achievement index of at least 3.50 and/or proof of national and/or international non-academic achievements; the statement has never received academic sanctions; and willingness to become a member of the MWA representing students for 1 year. (Yo – Public Relations/ Student Internship IV)