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National Dialogue for State FKIP Forkom throughout Indonesia, Maintaining the Quality of Study Programs in Institutions that Produce Professional Teacher Candidates


The Communication Forum (Forkom) of the Indonesian Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) is holding a National Dialogue to maintain the quality of the study programs at FKIP. This dialogue presented three speakers related to education. The dialogue which was held at Sriwijaya University (Unsri) Indalaya campus, Friday (20/9/2024) was opened by the Chancellor of Unsri, Prof. Dr. Taufiq Marwa, S. E., M. Si. The Dean of FKIP Unsri, Doktor Hartono, MA in his speech said that the aim of the national dialogue of the Indonesian Dean's Forkom was to find out the strategy for developing higher education from the Director General of Belmawa, to find out how to achieve superior accreditation and international accreditation from the Director of Lamdik Accreditation, as well as the issue of developing instruments The new one will come into effect in 2025. "Of course this is very important. For us, it is an extraordinary consumption of extraordinary information input for us in the regions because we want to maintain the quality of FKIP and the quality-oriented study programs at FKIP. One of them is the recognition of superior national accreditation which is the statute for all study programs at FKIP Unsri. As we know geographical locations are very different, quality may also be different. How do we have the same benchmarking so that our quality in producing teacher candidates and professional teachers is maintained. "One of them is the accreditation point indicators at the Independent Education Accreditation Institute," said Dr. Hartono said. In his speech, the Chancellor of Unsri hoped that the goals of the national dialogue could be achieved in accordance with what had been determined, as stated by the Dean. "We pray that what will be discussed and formulated will be useful for our respective universities and for the progress of the Republic of Indonesia," hoped the Chancellor. Series of activities The Deans and other delegates were welcomed by Acting. Governor of South Sumatra, Elen Stiadi, S.H., MSE at a friendly event at the Ballroom of the Hotel Santika Premiere Airport - Palembang. The friendly event was opened by Pj. The Governor of South Sumatra, represented by Assistant I, Zulkarnain. The hospitality was enlivened with a Sriwijaya Charm Variety Performance followed by an Introductory Meeting of the Dean of Members. The National Dialogue was opened by the Unsri Chancellor. Three speakers presented by the Director of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Suning Kusumawardani, ST, M.T. with material on Higher Education Policy and strategy; Chairman of the Independent Education Accreditation Institute, Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd. and Director of the Independent Education Accreditation Institute, Prof. Dr. Acheng Hasani, M.Pd. with material entitled Lamdik Policy towards Superior Accreditation and International Accreditation. After receiving material from the resource person, the dialogue participants were divided into nine trial groups, namely the Dean's trial in the Meeting Room, Floor. 2 Rectorates led by Dr. Hartono, MA; The Deputy Dean I meeting in the Faculty of Public Health Meeting Room was chaired by Dr. Rita Indrawati, M.Pd. the Deputy Dean II trial was chaired by Dra. Nyimas Aisyah M.Pd., Ph. D. in the 2 Floor Meeting Room. 2 Rectorates; the trial of four Deputy Deans III led by Dr. Ismet, M. Si. in the 3rd Floor Meeting Room, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education; The meeting of the Head of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education Department was chaired by Drs. Kodri Madang, M.Sc. The meeting of Head/Secretary/Coordinator of the P. IPS Department was chaired by Deskoni, S.Pd., M.Pd.; Conference of Head/Secretary/Coordinator of Education Department. Language led by Prof. Dr. Soni Mirizon in the Auditorium; The meeting of Head/Secretary/Coordinator of Department of Education was chaired by Prof. Dr. Sri Sumarni, M.Pd. in the Auditorium; The meeting of Forkom Declarators and Founders was chaired by Prof. Dr. Sofendi, M.A. Chancellor's Meeting Room. (Yo-PR)