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PPID Unsri Holds Coordination Meeting and Technical Guidance for Filling SAQ E - KIP Monitoring and Evaluation in 2024


PPID Sriwijaya University held a Coordination and Technical Guidance Meeting in the context of filling in the 2024 SAQ E - Monev KIP. This activity was held at the Rectorate Building, Floor. 2 Unsri Senate Meeting Room, Indralaya Campus, Thursday (26/9/2024). This activity was opened by the Head of the Planning and Public Relations Bureau (Ka.BPHM), Dedi Supriadi, S.T., M.Sc. On that occasion Ka. BPHM said that facing information disclosure with the enactment of Law no. 14 of 2008 concerning Openness of Public Information, demands UNSRI to be transparent and accountable. He also said that UNSRI's various duties are closely related to people's lives, especially in the field of higher education services, so that information on the results of the administration, management and implementation of tasks in the field of higher education is really needed by the public. One of the steps taken by UNSRI is to appoint a Management Officer. Information and Documentation (PPID)." PPID functions as a manager and transmitter of documents owned by public bodies in accordance with the mandate of Law No. 14 of 2008 concerning Openness of Public Information. With the existence of PPID, it will be easier for the public to submit requests for information and not "It's complicated because it is served through one door. The Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) is an official who is responsible for storing, documenting, providing and servicing information in public bodies," said Ka. BPHM. Meanwhile, standard material for public information services was delivered by Unsri Public Relations Sub-Coordinator, Arief Alkahfi, S.T., M.T. In his presentation, Arief explained that good governance is transparent, participatory, accountable, fair, effective and efficient. This activity was attended by the Deputy Dean, SPI Team, Faculty Coordinator and Rectorate Coordinator, Sub Coordinator, Social Sciences Lecturers, staff who served as Faculty PPID manager, and Sriwijaya University PPID Team. (Ara_PR)