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Public Relations Working Meeting, Increase Coordination and Synergy within the Directorate General of Education and Technology in the Public Relations Sector


Public Relations of Sriwijaya University (Unsri) again took part in the Public Relations Work Meeting (Raker) of Diktiristek Public Relations. The working meeting activity was held in order to improve coordination and synergy between the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology and State Academic Universities (PTN) and Higher Education Service Institutions (LLDikti) in the field of public relations which was held for three days on 19 - 21 June 2024 at The Trans Resort Bali. Head of the Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau, Yayat Hendayana, in his report said that the PTN public relations meeting and higher education services within the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, had invited public relations leaders and staff from 76 PTNs and 17 LLDikti. The theme for this year's Raker is "Creation, Collaboration and Synergy". "With this theme, we hope to become a forum for strengthening collaboration and synergy in the transformation of higher education by continuing the independent learning program. For this reason, we hope that in this forum, ladies and gentlemen, leaders and public relations staff from PTN and LLDikti can produce a joint communication strategy to continue to be able to "accelerating public communications and higher education, research and technology programs," said Yayat in his report. He further said that public relations plays a strategic role as a mouthpiece for public communication. According to him, this role must also be accompanied by adequate public relations capacity and competence. "For this reason, this event is also our effort to strengthen the competence of public relations officers from PTN and LLDIKTI," he said. This activity was opened directly by the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Abdul Haris, M.Sc. In his speech he expressed his deep appreciation and support for this working meeting activity. "I really support this activity because the role of public relations is so important that they need to improve their ability to manage public relations," he said. He also mentioned that Public Relations has a very important role in building the reputation of each institution, especially in the midst of the issues currently developing around higher education. This public relations working meeting was attended by five resource persons from public relations practitioners, namely the General Chair of the Association of Indonesian PR Companies (APPRI), Sari Soegondo, who presented material on Building Relationships and Collaborating with the Media in the Digital Era; Managing Director of Imogen PR, Jojo S. Nugroho delivered material on Crisis Communication; Deputy General Secretary 1 of Perhumas, Fardila Astari gave material with the theme Proactive Strategic Planning: Anticipating Change, Creating Opportunity; Coordinator of Communication and Public Information Services of the KLIK Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Khoiria Oktaviani who presented material with the theme Connecting The Dots through Social Media; and Digital Communication Consultant, Rulli Nasrullah who provided material related to Digital Communication Management. Meanwhile, socialization regarding the 2024 Diktiristek Public Relations Award was delivered by the Young Expert Public Relations Officer, Dinna Handini together with the Diktiristek public relations team. (Ara_PR)