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Unsri Chancellor Releases 5 IISMA Program Students and Gives Directions to 3 Unsri Teams to Pass PIMNAS 2024


Chancellor of Sriwijaya University (Unsri), Prof. Dr. Taufiq Marwa, S.E., M.Sc. released the five (5) students who passed the 2024 Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) Program. The release and briefing ceremony took place in the Senate Meeting Room, Floor. 2 Unsri Rectorate, Indralaya Campus, Monday (2/9/2024). The five Unsri students are Alya Girl Aqilah from the Faculty of Public Health who will take part in the learning process at Mahidol University, Thailand; Azizah Raidah Salsabilah from the Faculty of Agriculture with the aim of going to Universiti Sains Malaysia; Muhammad Ravi Wijayanto from the Faculty of Computer Science who will go to Newcastle University, England; Mawar Aliyah Abdani from the Faculty of Medicine who will go to Taipei Medical University, Taiwan; and Badia Inaya Sazrade from the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of York. For information, the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) is an international mobility program for Indonesian students which opens up opportunities for students from universities in Indonesia to take part in the learning process at reputable universities anywhere in the world to enrich and improve their insight and competence in the real world in accordance with his interests and aspirations. On that occasion, the Chancellor also gave directions to the three (3) student teams who passed the 2024 National Student Science Week (PIMNAS). The Chancellor expressed his congratulations and gave appreciation and support to the students who successfully passed the 2024 IISMA and PIMNAS programs. "We congratulate all the children, there are five students who have successfully passed the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards Program, then there are 15 students for three teams who have qualified for the national level, namely PIMNAS. We congratulate all the children who have successfully passed "to the national level and then there are those who qualify for international student exchange. We hope that the success of all the children will bring a good name to Sriwijaya University, a good name for the study program, its faculties and Unsri in general," said the Chancellor. The Chancellor advised students to continue to try to do their best, maintain Unsri's good name, and take optimal benefits from these activities. "Don't let your time run out there, but there won't be many good things that can be brought to Indonesia and to Unsri. Hopefully there will be good things that can be brought to Sriwijaya University. I'm sure there will be lots of good things there and there will definitely be "Also, don't bring the bad things as lessons. Take the good things to Unsri and pass them on to your friends at Sriwijaya University. Starting from a good culture, a good learning system, bring them here and pass them on," said the Chancellor. The Chancellor further said to prioritize sportsmanship when participating in competitions. "Victory is indeed our goal but that is not the main thing, what we hope is that we socialize, we look for friends there, then also look for experience which is more important. We win but we put sportsmanship first, make as many friends as possible, look for as many benefits as possible, maintain "The good name of Sriwijaya University. Once again I congratulate, thank you, ladies and gentlemen, the deans who have encouraged the activities of their children. Today, the 3 teams that have qualified, hopefully there will be even more next year," said the Chancellor. Deputy Chancellor for Student and Alumni Affairs III Unsri, Prof. Dr. Dr. Radiyati Umi Partan, SpPD-KR. revealed that in the future PIMNAS participants will take it more seriously and will provide a kind of training for supervisors so that it is hoped that more students will take part in PPKM and be able to qualify for PIMNAS. "So far we have been tight on time, PPKM only took a few days and then we reviewed it in a hurry and many of the titles were good but didn't match the format, so they didn't pass the administration, not the substance. The plan is that in the next 1-2 months we will open the PPKM new for students," he said. He advised students who took part in PPKM and passed PIMNAS and who have taken part in prestigious events not to be afraid to take part in LPDP. "So the children who take part in PPKM and pass PIMNAS are smart, I think you have the capital, and when you have participated in prestigious events like this, don't be afraid to take part in LPDP, because that is what you are selling. In your portfolio, you wrote that I once "passing PPKM, PIMNAS and so on and that is counted as interview time so it is capital to pass the LPDP on average. That's the spirit, we wish good luck to those who have passed," he concluded. For your information, PIMNAS 2024 is the 37th PIMNAS which will be held in October 2024 at Airlangga University as the host. There are three teams of Unsri students who passed the 2024 PIMNAS, namely, Team I Manisya Valentina from the FMIPA Pharmacy Study Program with the title Incorporation of Turmeric and Bitter Gourd Leaf Nanoemulsion in Candlenut Shell Charcoal Scrubber as a Treatment for Hyperpigmentation from Chicken Pox Scars; Team II Angeline Lubis from the FMIPA Pharmacy Study Program with the title Formulation and Testing of the Anti-inflammatory Activity of Self-Nano Emulsion Gambir Sap Extract on Osteoarthritic White Rat Feet; and Team III Faisal Zulfandi Sianipar from the Medical Education Study Program, Faculty of Medicine with the title The Role of Exosome Growth Factor from Platelets in the Regulation of Cardiomyocyte Regeneration as a New Therapy Modality for Myocardial Infarction: In Vivo Study. This activity was also attended by the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Deputy Chancellor for Student and Alumni Affairs, Deputy Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, the Dean and Deputy Dean, Head of the BAK and BUK Bureau, and the Head of UPT KLI in the Unsri environment. (Ara_PR)