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LPPM Unsri Receives Comparative Study Visit from Bapika Uncen


The Sriwijaya University Community Service Institute (LPPM - Unsri) received a visit from the Innovation and Cooperation Management Agency (Bapika) of Cendrawasih University (Uncen) Papua at the LPPM Unsri office, Indralaya campus, Monday (10/9/2024). The delegation consisting of the Chairman of Bapika, Dr. Onesimus Sahuleka, SH, M. Hum; Member of Cooperation and Public Relations, Marshall H. A. Sarobi, S. I. P., M. Sos; Bapika members, Anselm Gimana Tiara J. Sroyer, S.T. received by the Chairman of LPPM, Prof. Benjamin Lakitan, Ph. D. in his office and then taken to the Meeting Room to receive an explanation given by the LPPM Secretary, Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Nurmaini, M.T.; Research Center Coordinator, Prof. Dr. rer. Med. Hamzah Hasyim, S.K.M., M.K.M; Service Center Coordinator, Dr. Rizwan Jaenudin, M. Pd.; Head of Real Work Lectures, Rizky Tirta Adhiguna; and Administrative Coordinator, Sekudin, S.E., M. Si. The delegates were given explanations from each Coordinator, such as the Research Center Coordinator who oversees 11 fields, the Service Center Coordinator who oversees three fields, and the Administration Coordinator who oversees three fields. Onesimus Sahuleka revealed that Uncen, which had just changed from a Ministry Work Unit University to a Public Service Agency University (BLU), wanted to study the innovations of Unsri which had become a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH). "What we will experience has already been experienced. Sriwijaya University. Therefore, we want to know how the innovations are because Cendrawasih University has only changed from a Satker university to a Public Service Agency University (BLU) while Sriwijaya University has changed from BLU to PTN BH. So we see that Unsri has useful innovations which later we can use as a reference in the framework of BLU. Indeed, we have an Innovation Agency under the Chancellor. In the context of BLU, we have an Innovation Agency already under the LPM. This is what I did a comparative study. We have learned many things here that we can apply. We will take home the results from here and discuss them together for the development of Cendrawasih University with a new status. To reorganize what already exists at Uncen, it will be aligned with what exists at Sriwijaya University. "There are so many things we can get here," said Onesimus Sahuleka to Unsri Public Relations after the official meeting in the LPPM Unsri Meeting Room while expressing his thanks to the Head of LPPM, Secretary and Coordinators who had provided explanations to him. (Yo – PR)