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Public Lecture for PSPPI Class V Unsri Students


PSPPI Batch V Sriwijaya University Odd Semester 2024/2025 Academic Year students attended a public lecture given by Dr. Kiki Yuliati, M.Sc as a lecturer at Unsri who also served as Director General of Vocational Education at the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. The Public Lecture was opened by the Head of the PSPPI Unsri Study Program, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Anis Saggaff, MSCE. IPU. MKU. ASEAN Eng. APEC Eng. in the Prof. Room H. Djuaini Moekti, M.A. Sriwijaya University Language Institute, Bukit Besar Campus, Palembang, Saturday (14/9/2024). In his speech, Prof. Anis expressed his thanks to Dr. Kiki, who was willing to attend, gave a public lecture to PSPPI Unsri students. "Today, thank God, he had the opportunity to attend as stated last week, that those who will be giving this lecture will all be cool people. Therefore, I ask all my friends to let you know, hopefully all 34 PSPPI Batch students will attend V. I hope everyone can attend because attendance is counted, we take lectures on Friday and Saturday, we condition them on Saturday," said Prof. Anis. Prof. Anis hopes that students will take lectures seriously. He revealed that Unsri is the only PSPPI that carries out lectures by bringing in lecturers from outside. "If there is a Director General or a Minister, we will give lectures according to their schedule. We will adjust. We are the only PSPPI that has lecturers from outside, usually from Unsri, but I want the results to be better, but the students must take it seriously. And You will feel the material for yourself, I myself feel very different about what we should do. I would like to thank Ms. Dr. Kiki Yuliati, M.Sc for her presence "Our resource person at today's lecture," concluded Prof. Anis. Meanwhile, in his lecture Dr. Kiki said that there are three types of engineers, namely (more) smart children, children who like mathematics and physics, then children who like and enjoy engineering activities. Apart from that, he also explained that nowadays there are three types of engineers, namely doing repetitive work, doing quiet work, and doing work full of inspiration. "There will be no new, more advanced civilization if humans do not dare to take risks to change," he said. He further explained several future challenges for Indonesian Engineers. "The future challenge for Indonesian Engineers is People Skills - Social Skills, the Engineer profession is a profession that is attached to and integrated with the benefit of humanity. Whatever you build and what you design is for the benefit of humanity. Next Digital Skills, There will be more and more professional tasks and jobs "Engineers guide digital competence on a broad spectrum. Then Learning Skills is very necessary because the speed of change in competency needs in the world of work will very quickly require the learning ability of Engineers to become lifelong learners," he explained. Dr. Kiki also explained four characteristics of future Indonesian Engineers, namely seeing opportunities, daring to take risks, having a work network, and ethical decision making and behavior, namely making decisions based on ethics. "You have to really train your ability to develop and get used to behavior referring to ethics, making decisions referring to ethics, because again, engineering is for the benefit of humanity," he explained. Before closing his lecture, Dr. Kiki mentioned several characteristics that engineers must have. The first is curiosity, the second is patience (patient, resilience). According to him, an engineer has a patient and tenacious character because in general people who work as engineers are patient and tenacious. Furthermore, thirdly, no engineer can work alone, he explained that cooperation really determines a person's success as a future engineer, and fourthly, risk taking - calculated one. The public lecture looked very interactive, PSPPI Batch V students enthusiastically asked questions during the question and answer session. (Ara_PR)