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Deputy Chancellor for Division III Coordinates with UKM UKK Starting with Cycling Together


Deputy Chancellor for Division III, Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Dr. Radiyati Umi Partan, Sp. PD-KR, M. Kes. together with the Head of the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau, Inayati Mandayuni, S.T, M.Sc., Student Affairs Coordinator, Andi Rosadi, SE, M.Si., Deputy Dean III of the Faculty, and other officials held a meeting to coordinate with UKM and UKK level administrators universities and faculties at the Dean's Building, Faculty of Agriculture, Unsri, Indralaya campus, Thursday (25/4/2024). Previously, the group III group did cycling together from the Unsri Rectorate Office, Indralaya campus to the meeting place at the Faculty of Agriculture. The meeting was also attended by the Chancellor of Unsri, Prof. Dr. Taufiq Marwa, S.E., M.Sc. In his report, Deputy Chancellor III said that this meeting was not just a gathering but to achieve optimal output targets with several student activity programs ranging from alumni, outstanding students, to BEM. “We challenge UKM UKK to make achievement proposals from the first time they are appointed. "Maybe after this I will ask for the proposal again, what are the proud achievements, especially achievements related to Belmawa," said Deputy Chancellor III. Furthermore, Deputy Chancellor III conveyed several programs that would be created, including talks with alumni, outstanding students and BEM members in the form of talks. profile or podcast which will be led by the Deputy Dean III of Social Sciences, Dr. Andries Lionardo, M.Sc. Apart from that, it will also move the arts and sports sectors. On that occasion, the Chancellor stated that he would also soon attend the MoU event at the Bukit Besar Palembang Campus, but he still took the time to meet with students because he wanted to frequently coordinate with students and absorb their aspirations. student. According to him, in higher education, the subjects and objects of higher education are the students. “If there are no students there are no universities. If there are no lecturers or no staff, you can borrow, but there must be students. So how important is the position of students and at the same time being an object to become better people than before. "I position students as the most important thing in a university," said the Chancellor. The Chancellor conveyed two requests to students which he thought were priorities. The two messages, said the Chancellor, were exactly the same as those conveyed to the new Vice Chancellors. "First, I invite all of us to love Sriwijaya University, so that we will try to do good to Sriwijaya University. Secondly, we provide what is best for Sriwijaya University. That is my request to the Vice Chancellors and all the children. Love Sriwijaya University and give what is best. So we don't have anything to save anymore. We give our best abilities to Sriwijaya University. If what we are going to give is good in our opinion, but in general it is not good, we have to restrain ourselves first, maybe at that time it is not the time for us to convey it, it is not the time for us to do that, we wait. We must be able to restrain ourselves. It could be that our assumptions, our thoughts are different from other people's. Therefore, I suggest that we must be able to understand other people, not force others to understand us. "If we force other people to understand us, there will be resistance," said the Chancellor. (Yo – PR)