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KSE Unsri Takes Part in the Movement to Plant 4000 Trees Simultaneously in 40 Points Throughout Indonesia


Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) Sriwijaya University (Unsri) is one of the KSE partner state universities throughout the archipelago which took part in the 4000 Tree Planting Movement simultaneously in 40 points throughout Indonesia. The location chosen by the Paguyuban Karya Salemba IV Sriwijaya University was Sungsang IV Village, Banyuasin Regency. The tree planting was carried out simultaneously on Sunday (15/9/2024). The Chief Executive, Herni Ernasari (Student at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Unsri) revealed that this activity was in collaboration with Cifor which is an international institution specializing in mangrove management. "The seeds planted were 150 mangrove seeds consisting of 30 types of Rhizhopora Apiculata seeds, 20 seeds of the Burguiera Gymnorrhiza type and 100 Rhizhophora apiculata propagules. This activity was also in collaboration with the Banyuasin government which involved 47 KSE Unsri students and as many as 65 volunteers from 6 universities in "South Sumatra also involves related agencies and various environmentally conscious communities to ensure the smoothness and success of this activity," he said. He further said that this program aims to increase environmental awareness and provide practical experience to students, especially in communication and negotiation, through work. cooperate with the government in acquiring trees and determining sustainable planting locations. The collaboration between YAES 84, KSE and related agencies is expected to have a positive impact, both in increasing the number of trees in Indonesia and increasing public awareness about the importance of nature conservation. For information, this monumental activity was carried out at 40 points from Aceh to Papua, in collaboration with scholarship recipients from Karya Salemba Empat (KSE). The total number of tree seeds to be planted is more than 4,000 tree seeds consisting of various types of wood, fruit, mangrove and ornamental trees spread throughout the archipelago. (Release/Ara_PR)