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Chancellor Socializes Regulations for Election of Unsri Academic Senate Members


In the context of implementing Sriwijaya University (Unsri) to become a Legal Entity College, the Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Taufiq Marwa, S.E., M.Sc. together with the Deputy Chancellor for Field I, Prof. Dr. Rujito Agus Suwignyo, M, Agr., Deputy Chancellor for Division II, Dr. Drs. Tertiarto Wahyudi, MAFIS, and Chair of the Unsri Senate, Prof. Dr. Subriyer Nasir socializes Chancellor's Regulation no. 2 of 2024 concerning Procedures for Election of Members of the University Academic Senate (SAU) at Lt. 2 Unsri Rectorate, Indralaya campus, Thursday (19/9/2024). Chancellor's Regulation No. 2 of 2024 which was socialized included a change in name from before PTNBH was called the University Senate, at PTNBH it became the University Academic Senate (SAU); regarding SAU membership; lecturer representatives who are deemed to meet the criteria to be nominated as SAU members; Procedures for selecting SAU member representative lecturers; procedures for selecting prospective members of SAU as deputy lecturers. SAU membership consists of the chancellor, vice-chancellor, dean, school director, leaders of institutions that have research and community service functions, and 4 deputy lecturers from each faculty. Deputy lecturers who are deemed to meet the criteria for Candidates who are nominated as SAU members include permanent lecturers at Unsri, have the lowest academic position as lecturer with educational qualifications of a doctorate, not as members of the faculty senate, not as lecturers with additional duties, at the time of nomination for prospective members of SAU with academic positions as professors who are not yet 65 years old and for prospective members of SAU with the academic position of associate professor or lecturer who are not yet 60 years old. Three steps to the procedure for selecting prospective members of SAU as deputy lecturers. The first faculty senate selects prospective members of SAU as deputy lecturers who meet the requirements of at least 6 (six) names and a maximum of 8 ( eight) name; both faculty senates propose names to the dean; thirdly, if the number of lecturers in a faculty who meet the requirements cannot meet the minimum number of six, the faculty submits at least 4 (four) names to the dean; The fourth selection of prospective SAU members by the faculty senate is carried out by deliberation and consensus. The socialization is attended by the dean, deputy dean or faculty representative. (Yo-PR)