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Unsri Chancellor, Prof. Taufiq Marwa was awarded the Satya Badge for 30 Years from the President of the Republic of Indonesia


Chancellor of Sriwijaya University (Unsri) Prof. Dr. Taufiq Marwa, S.E., M.Si was awarded the Satyalencana Karya Satya 30 Years from the President of the Republic of Indonesia. This award was given during the 2024 National Education Day commemoration ceremony. This honorary award was carried out by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Nadiem Anwar Makarim, B.A., M.B.A at the Kemendikbudristek Ceremony Field, Senayan, Thursday (2/5/ 2024). "Alhamdulillah, on National Education Day on May 2 2024, I received the 30 year Satyalancana Karya Satya award which was awarded directly by the Minister, hopefully it will benefit the progress of Sriwijaya University, our common home, Aamiin Ya Robbal Alamin," said the Chancellor. At the National Education Day ceremony, the Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, delivered his speech. In his speech he said that the last five years have been a very impressive time in our journey at the Ministry of Education and Culture. Being a leader of the Independent Learning movement has made us increasingly aware of the challenges and opportunities we have to advance Indonesian education. It is not easy to transform a very large system. It is not a simple task to change perspectives on the learning process. At the beginning of the journey, we realize that making changes requires struggle. Discomfort accompanies every step towards improvement and progress. "Then, when our steps began to take place in unison, we were faced with an unimaginable challenge, namely the pandemic. The resulting impact changed the teaching and learning process and our way of life drastically. At the same time, the pandemic provided an opportunity to accelerate change. By working together, we fight to recover and bounce back much stronger. We have crossed strong waves and high coral together. Now, we have begun to feel the changes happening around us, moved together with simultaneous and unison steps. We are building a new face of Indonesian education and culture together with the Freedom to Learn movement. We have heard again that Indonesian children dare to dream because they feel free when studying in class. We have again seen teachers who dare to try new things because they have gained the confidence to know and assess their students. We have seen again students who are ready to work and contribute because space for learning is no longer limited on campus. "And we have celebrated again the splendor of creative works because artists and cultural actors continue to be supported to express themselves," said the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Anwar Makarim. Nadiem further said that five years is not a short time to carry out the task of leading the Independent Learning movement. However, five years is also not a long time to make comprehensive changes. We are moving in the right direction, but our work is not finished. Everything we have done must be continued as a sustainable movement. Everything we have tried must be continued as a journey towards realizing the school we aspire to. "The passing of time has brought the end of my service as Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. However, this is not the end point of the Freedom to Learn movement. With full sincerity, I would like to thank you very much for the struggle that you and your father have undertaken. With "full of hope, I entrust Merdeka Belajar to all of you, the drivers of change who never give up to take Indonesia into the future. Let's continue to work together to enliven and continue the Merdeka Belajar movement," he concluded. (Prim/Ara_Humas. )